Monday, March 21, 2011

Party, Party, Party!

I could really kick myself for not creating printable party packs sooner. Customers have been asking me for over a year now if I made coordinating party decorations to match my invitations. I would turn them down because I really had no means of making the decorations at a reasonable cost. But, then, I had an epiphany when I realized that many people are on a budget and would rather save a few $$ and print and make their own decorations using my designs. Not only would they get a very nice design, but they wouldn't have to break the bank. Nowadays everyone has a color printer. And, boy have those printers come a long way. Even the inexpensive ones print rather good. So, I figured, why not?

I decided to go with my super popular invitation designs and modify t
hem for decorations such as banners, cupcake toppers, gift tags, etc. I am so pleased and excited with how they look. I honestly can't wait for my own kid's bdays to come up so I can make a set.

Below are some of sets that I have made so far.



Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Today's Best Award - Friendly Farm Animals Birthday Invitation

My neighbor/friend inspired me to design this invitation for her daughter's 5th birthday. I wasn't sure if I could pull something like this off. My usual style is modern, abstract and very simple. But, I came out of my comfort zone and did something a bit different. Quite frankly, I love it. It still offers simplicity, but with a very cute child-like appearance. Perfect for birthdays! Stay tuned as I will be offering the entire printable birthday pack soon!